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إن الحب إن كان صادقا من القلب ، فإنه يكون حبا قويا لا يفرقة أحد ولا حتى إختلاف العقائد والعادات ، فالحب يكون أقوى في بعض الأحيان من أي شيء ، إن كان صادقا من القلب يتحدى الكثير من العقبات ويتحدى كل شيء بالحياة ، واليوم أقدم لكم في موقع قصص واقعية قصة بعنوان الحب الكبير . الحب الكبير قصة حب جميلة انتهت الأم من تجهيز ابنائها حتى يتمكنوا من أداء صلاه الجمعه مع والدهم ، وأثناء ارتداء طفلتها ذات السبع سنوات لحجابها للصلاة ، سألت والدتها قائلة : يا أمي نحن نذهب لنصلي صلاه الجمعه في المسجد ، لماذا لا تأتينا معنا إلى المسجد ، قالت الأم : عندما تعودا من المسجد يا أطفالي ، سوف اخبرك عن السبب ، وبالفعل ذهب الأطفال مع والدهم للصلاه وعندما عادا من المسجد ، تناولوا طعام الغداء سويا ، وبعدها خرج الأب إلى العمل. جلست الأم مع أطفالها ، فقالت لها الطفله الصغير’ ، أخبرينا يا أمي الآن عن سبب عدم ذهابك إلى صلاه الجمعة معنا ، فقالت الأم ، لأنني لست مسلمة ، فأنا مسيحيه ، وهنا قال لها الطفل : أمي لقد قال لي بعض اصدقائي في المدرسة : إنني يجب أن لا العب مع مايكل ومينا زملائي في الفصل ، ولكنني اخبرته انني سوف العب معهم وأخبرتهم ، بأن خالي اسمة مينا أيضا ، فتركوني وذهبوا ولم يعودوا يتحدثون معي ايضا ، و اخبرني بيتر صديقي بعدها ألا العب مع احمد وخالد لأنهم مسلمين ، فأخبرته بأنهم أصدقائي وجيراني والعب معهم دائما ، فتركني ولم يعد يتحدث معي هو الأخر ، وهنا أرتسمت علامات التعجب على وجه الأم من كلام أبنها الصغير فلم يتجاوز العشر سنوات .

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10 ten attractions near Istanbul

Istanbul is one of the most beautiful tourist destinations around the world with great historical, religious and recreational attractions scattered throughout, and despite the peak of the beauty of Istanbul, but many tourists coming to spend their holiday in Istanbul, especially Arab tourists have a desire to diversify their holiday Sightseeing, touring Turkey and discovering as many of its tourist attractions as possible, but at the same time they are keen not to go too far to save time and effort

In order to guide this group of tourists who love to roam and discover the new places we offer 10 places of fabulous and diverse attractions close to Istanbul can go to them in less than an hour and are evaluated as places for a pleasant and short holidays spanning one or two days, these places are

Ağva (AĞVA): An area about 100 km away from Istanbul, with its enchanting coastline,     rocks, plateaus and forests scattered around the coast to give a more natural landscape than usual, AGVA is a point to recharge the positive energy of those who visit it and enjoy its sophisticated and rare view

The Cuyu coast, the Galen Plateau, and the hidden Lagoon are the spectacular fairy tales to visit during the Ağva journey, Agva from Istanbul, with its cheap and distinctive hotels, Ağva is one of the most beautiful areas close to Istanbul
Anadolu Feneri: During your visit to Anadolu Vannari, which is about half an hour away from Istanbul, you will need to make a great effort because the activities and places you visit will be well known. During your trip to Anadolu Fanari, you can take an enjoyable tour of the area of ​​the vegetable patch It is also rare to climb the historical castle of Yorus, which was built by the Genizalis of one of the Turkish tribes in 1190. After looking at the view of the area of ​​the castle, you will say, Yes, indeed, an area that deserves to come

The Anadolu Vanari area overlooks the Black Sea and you can sit in one of its forests, light up the barbecue and enjoy a delicious meal with a natural taste
Kandıra: A beautiful area just a half hour from Istanbul. A natural area surrounded by green pine trees that give the psychological comfort of its visitors, there is no need to worry and hurry in Kandira because it makes time slows down and away from the era of speed that looted our happiness and pleasure time. Be sure to taste the milk of Kandira very enjoyable and do not miss the pure coast, at sunset, take the ships and roamed in the sea and in the evening lit the parties of your illusions and spend the most beautiful nights

Do not forget to visit Kaffan Island in the morning and eat breakfast full of energy, vitality, oxygen and serenity. After breakfast, take a look at the walls of the surrounding castles and garrison of Kafkan Island throughout the ages

Kilios: A smooth coastal area with a magnificent view full of chalets and resorts that can be rented for two days to enjoy a restful and self-renewing holiday of energy, the Roman term Kleus means a clean coast or a beautiful strait. It is also necessary to see the Roman fortress of Kellios in the building and engineering, the panoramic view that will appear before you after the rise of the castle enchanting with all the meaning of the word
ـKyi Kui: A distance of two hours from Istanbul, located between the Kazan and Babug rivers, is located under a high peak, making its visitors feel enthusiastic and excited. Besides the natural enthusiasm, one must look at the remains of the Byzantine ruins. Accommodation in the wooden houses overlooking the coast and the Byzantine monuments can provide you with an exciting feeling like no other

Sapanca: A lake that is about an hour and a half from Istanbul, with its magnificent trees, lush rivers and clear water. Is this the charming atmosphere you dream of? Staying at a hotel overlooking Lake Sabanga and boating to go around the lake gives you the fun atmosphere you are looking for
Taraklı Kasabası Taraklı: The way to the Spring Festival is its beautiful beauty, the evidence of its beauty is its choice as a base for the filming of many Turkish films, its rich trees, high waterfall, wild animals and vast lakes. You can stay in one of the historic Ottoman houses To taste history and nature at once

Princess Islands: Islands located in the Sea of ​​Marmara, closed one of the seas of Istanbul, a distance of Istanbul for two hours and 45 minutes, beautiful nature and sandy beach and tours of Hantour and hotels overlooking the sea is the most important holiday island holiday
İğne ada: Turkey's most famous tourist attraction, the Turkish West Bride, has its own sea, lake, rivers, waterfall, forests and natural habitat. It is exciting and natural adventure. You will not regret after spending two amazing days in one of its hotels overlooking the nature. The Lord

After enjoying nature do not forget the vision of the Ottoman sea lighthouse, which is 148 years old and do not forget to travel in one of its villages and eat natural honey to one of the Turkish families of the guest
Riva: An area half a hour from Istanbul, a very suitable area for lovers and lovers of fishing and fishing on the coast amidst the resonant nature, a beauty that can not be described by words and can be felt only through his visit
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